Compensation curve tool

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  1. Speed [mm/sec] field - speed of c-curve  test in mm/min.
  2. Preforce [N] field - after receive start command,  machine starts sending of position and force values to software, when detects this force in N.
  3. Flimit [N] - that means, machine will stop c-curve test when this value will be reached. Most important parameter.
  4. EndPos field - when machine reaches this position value, test will be automatically finished, and machine will return to start (home) position.
  5. Save configuration  button - with this button you can save actual parameters of c-curve test.
  6. OK button - When you push this button, all parameters will be send to machine, and test automatically starts.
  7. Cancel button - closes this form, and returns user to main window. Test will not start.